Release note for v0_01 (3 Apr 2024) This is an internal data release for Hector, version v0.01. If your have any queries, please contact Sree Oh ( 1. Release catalogue: release_catalogue_v0_01.csv name = galaxy id filename = cube filename ccd = blue(BL) or red(RD) arm identifier = cube identifier (A-Z) version = version of data release infile = original cube name runid = observing run id ra, dec = right ascension, declination xcen, ycen = x, y centres of the cube (target) texp = integrated exposure time ndither = number of RSS frames combined for the cube inst = instrument name probe = Hexabundle name tile = tile name field = filed name (all values are 1 for Hector but SAMI will have values) source = object source. WAVES(W) or cluster(C) or star fields(S) type = object type. star(S) or galaxy(G) fwhm = mean PSF FWHM in arcsec trans = mean relative transmission 2. List of runs to be included (YYMMDD_YYMMDD) *220817_220904 *220914_220925 *221019_221030 230417_230430 230613_230626 230710_230724 230809_230814 230906_230917 231004_231009 231106_231119 231206_231219 Please note that runs prior to 2023 (marked with *) are considered commissioning runs. Exercise caution when using commissioning data. 3. v0_01 Cubes (~1.7T) Data releases v0_01 release 3714 cubes including 1421 unique galaxies The cubes are uploaded to the data central clouds: It is recommanded to use rsync: rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 2232' ./ L3tMe!nPle@se 4. Reduction note Preprocessing: - Overscan correction is applied to all frames. No additional bias correction using bias frames is performed. - No Dark and Lflat corrections - Bias column at the middle of all ccd4 (Spector Red) frames is removed by the pipeline - Tramline Mapping is performed using dome flats for the red ccds (ccd2 & ccd4) and twilight flats for the blue ccds (ccd1 & ccd3). - Arc solutions: For AAOmega blue (CCD1), arc solutions from 2dfdr are enhanced using twilight data. For Spector blue, no additional corrections are made with twilight, with an uncertainty of approximately 0.5Å. - Flat fielding is excuted using dome flats for red ccds (ccd2 & ccd4) and using twilight flats for blue ccds (ccd1 & ccd3) - Througput is estimated using twilight flats where available Pre-cubing - Primary flux calibration is conducted using reliable reference standard stars within each run, while deliberately excluding overly bright or low-resolution stars. In the absence of suitable standard star frames, or when the transfer function significantly deviates from the mean transfer function, the mean transfer function is employed. - Telluric correction is applied through the Molecfit pipeline provided by ESO Note: For this release, telluric correction failed for three frames of the H01_T209 tile in November 2023. - Secondary flux calibration is performed using stars with H and U probes during each observation - Secondary flux calibrations are omitted for commissioning runs lacking well-positioned stars in the bundle, and no quality control parameters (such as FWHM or transmission) are available for these runs. - Chromatic variations in distortion (CVD) is corrected based on an empirically defined optical models - Alignment of RSS frames is using the centre of mass of the object in eash frame Cubing - The cubing process follows the SAMI drizzle method. Please refer to the SAMI Data Reduction (DR) papers for detailed information. - The minimum requirement for cubing is to have at least 6 RSS frames with an FWHM of less than 4 arcseconds and a transmission greater than 0.333. - The X and Y dimensions of the cubes are adjusted according to the data. While the X and Y sizes are consistent within each cube, they vary from galaxy to galaxy. - Spectra are displayed within a wavelength range where the absolute transmission exceeds 0.05. Then, enjoy the cubes!