Release note for v0_02 (10 Dec 2024) This is an internal data release for Hector, version v0.02. If your have any queries, please contact Sree Oh ( and Madusha Gunawardhana ( 1. Release catalogue: release_catalogue_v0_02.csv name = galaxy id filename = cube filename ccd = blue(BL) or red(RD) arm identifier = cube identifier (A-Z) version = version of data release infile = original cube name runid = observing run id ra, dec = right ascension, declination xcen, ycen = x, y centres of the cube (target) texp = integrated exposure time ndither = number of RSS frames combined for the cube inst = instrument name probe = Hexabundle name tile = tile name field = filed name (all values are 1 for Hector but SAMI will have values) type = object type. star(S) or galaxy(G) fwhm = mean PSF FWHM in arcsec trans = mean relative transmission note. - We removed the 'source' column from v0_02. Instead, the source of the object (WAVES (W), Cluster (W), and Star (S)) is now represented as a prefix in the 'name' column. - The identifier "A" does not specifically indicate the best cube when there are repeats. Users are expected to select their cubes based on FWHM and transmission. 2. List of runs included (YYMMDD_YYMMDD) *221019_221030 230417_230430 230613_230626 230710_230724 230809_230814 230906_230917 231004_231009 231106_231119 231206_231219 240529_240616 240709_240714 240827_240910 240924_241008 241022_241105 Please note that we exclude 220817_220904 and 220914_220925 from v0_02, finding incorrect information from the input catalogue. Also, 221019_221030 is considered commissioning runs. Exercise caution when using commissioning data. 3. v0_02 Cubes (~ 411G) Data releases v0_02 release 5304 cubes including 1664 (corrected this number on 12 Dec 2024; it miscounted as 2102 in the original release note) unique galaxies The cubes are uploaded to the data central clouds: All the cubes are compressed It is recommanded to use rsync: rsync -avhPi -e 'ssh -p 2232' ./ L3tMe!nPle@se 4. New features in v0_02 - More accurate and stable arc solutions using 2D arc modeling - Improved flux calibrations - Removed inaccurate primary standard stars and applied median Transfer function where necessary - Adjusted spline fit for a better fit to the transfer function - Improved standard star extraction and Moffat fitting - Improved CvD corrections - Disabled incorrect arc solutions caused by using the wrong arc lamp - Applied proper quality control based on FWHM and transmission values - Cubes - Corrected cube orientations - Adopted a drop size of 0.75 - Removed holes in cubes by not applying throughput clipping - All cubes now have a prefix (S, W, C) in their file names Then, enjoy the cubes!