Leader: Jesse van de Sande
Email: jesse.vandesande@sydney.edu.au
Collaborators: This project is open for everyone who wants to collaborate.
Topic: The unexpected dynamics of low-mass dwarf galaxies, The kinematic properties of Milky Way analogues
Status: under review by Science Committee
Abstract: We will use the science verification data to demonstrate Hector’s power for determining accurate stellar kinematic measurement. Based on deep science verification data (9-12hrs on source), we will compare Hector and SAMI stellar kinematic maps of the velocity (V), velocity dispersion (sigma) and the high-order kinematic signatures h3 (~skewness) and h4 (~kurtosis). This paper will present the Hector Stellar kinematic pipeline and will include the first measurements of the Spector and AAOmega spectral resolution with the Hector fibre bundles. It will also present various tests on the optimal spectral library for Hector, and compare the performance of AAOmega versus Spector. By utilising the wide range of galaxies in the science verification sample, which includes Milky Way Analogues, low-mass dwarf galaxies, and galaxies with anomalous high-order kinematic signatures, this paper will be a demonstration of what the Hector Galaxy Survey will deliver in the years to come.
Needed data products: This project requires deep exposure science verification data (9-12 hrs) on one field with hand-picked targets. This field contains both low-mass galaxies and Milky Way Analogues, as well as secondary targets that have all been selected to demonstrate the improvement of Hector over SAMI in terms of spectral resolution and field-of-view.
As the paper is based on science verification data on a SAMI Galaxy Survey field within the GAMA regions, all ancillary data is available.
Publication Date: 15/01/2023