Leader: Mina Pak
Email: minapak@kasi.re.kr
Collaborators: Matt Owers, Oguzhan Cakir, Gabriella Quattropani, and this project is open for everyone who wants to collaborate.
Topic: The future fate of ram-pressure affected cluster galaxies
Status: under review by Science Committee
Abstract: We will investigate the stellar populations of galaxies as a function of mass and environment using the HECTOR-GS sample. Previous studies reported that the stars in early-type galaxies formed at slightly earlier times and on a slightly shorter timescale in dense regions than in less dense regions (Bernardi et al. 2006, McDermid et al. 2015, Pak et al. 2021). In Pak et al. (2021), our finding showed that the different quenching timescale between high- and low-density environments is due to the difference at the high-mass end for passive spiral and lenticular galaxies from the SAMI-GS. At log(stellar mass) of 10.5, passive spirals or S0s in low-density environments appear to have longer star formation timescales, unlike those in high-density environments. That is, in low-density environments, star formation quenching mechanisms may be weak or, alternatively, there may be some mechanisms that prolong star formation. In this project using HECTOR-GS, therefore, we aim to study the differences in quenching timescale in different dynamical status of HECTOR clusters and field/group as well. This may give us information about environmental processes on the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Needed data products: Measurements of absorption and emission lines, morphology of galaxies, properties of clusters, SFH
Publication Date: 31/12/2025