Before submitting a new paper, please review our Team membership and publication policy.

Papers submitted will be reviewed by the Hector Science Review Committee.

Only papers that have or will have work done on them within 6 months will be accepted. Other papers can be proposed for further ahead to give others an indication of the science planned by individuals, but will not be approved by the Science Committee until the work on the paper will be going to start within 6 months.

If you are proposing a paper for work that will be done by a postdoc or student who has not started yet, then explain that, and give timelines.

We strongly encourage papers in topics listed below, which are the initial rapid science topics from the Hector observing proposals. Proposals on any topic can be submitted/accepted though.

All team members need to commit to observing time (except on reasonable grounds e.g. located overseas, primary carer of young child etc.) and by proposing a paper, a team member confirms they will be undertaking observing in order to use the data.

Paper proposals will be reviewed by the Science Committee and once approved they can proceed to a paper.

If you have any issue with the submission of your paper, please contact Stefania Barsanti at

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