This page provides details about the Hector data release v0_02, which occurred on 10 December 2024. If you have any queries, please contact Sree Oh ( or Madusha Gunawardhana (
Release Catalogue
Before downloading the data, please read release note and catalogue first.
The cubes listed below are reported to have issues with flux calibration. We recommend exercising caution when using them, or preferably not using them at all. Excluding these cubes, you will still have access to 1539 unique galaxies.
Useful values
The catalogue from the Target Selection team (please contact if you have related questions):
This catalogue has 1913 unique observed galaxies up to 241022_241105 run.
Note that there are 1581 unique galaxies with datacubes AND properties from input catalogue.
The missing 1688(unique galaxies with datacubes from release_catalogue_v0_02.csv + release_skip_v0_02.csv) -1581=107 galaxies
(39 in clusters and 68 in WAVES) are due to:
* 1 cluster galaxy not in the source cluster catalogue
* 38 SAMI cluster galaxies – not in the Hector input catalogue
* 38 WAVES galaxies not in the source WAVES catalogue (commissioning data 221019_221030)
* 30 WAVES galaxies not in the Hector input catalogue (due to random seeding not working correctly)
Other useful values:
Download the data
Data release v0_02 releases 5304 cubes including 1664 unique galaxies. All cubes are compressed, totaling 411 GB in size.
The cubes are uploaded to the data central clouds:
It is recommended to use rsync:
rsync -avhPi -e ‘ssh -p 2232’ ./
Improvements from v0_01
- More accurate and stable arc solutions using 2D arc modeling
- Improved flux calibrations
- Removed inaccurate primary standard stars and applied median Transfer function where necessary
- Adjusted spline fit for a better fit to the transfer function
- Improved standard star extraction and Moffat fitting
- Improved CvD corrections
- Disabled incorrect arc solutions caused by using the wrong arc lamp
- Applied proper quality control based on FWHM and transmission values
- Cubes
- Corrected cube orientations
- Adopted a drop size of 0.75
- Removed holes in cubes by not applying throughput clipping
- All cubes now have a prefix (S, W, C) in their file names
Known issues
- 20 Dec 2024:
Flux calibration issues have been reported by Joon Hyeop for the cubes listed in release_flagged_v0_02.csv (above). We recommend avoiding the use of these cubes.
- 12 Dec 2024:
For data from 221019_221030, all catalog information—including galaxy IDs—is incorrect.
- No PCA scattered light subtraction is applied for blue CCDs.
- RSS frames are flagged when adopting the median transfer function, skipping telluric corrections, or omitting secondary standard calibrations, as these may impact flux calibrations. However, the flagged frames have not yet been analyzed. Please report to the below spread sheet if find any related issues.
- Some cubes are not well-centered due to the presence of nearby bright sources, an issue that remains unresolved. Please report to the below spread sheet if find any related issues.
Report issues on individual objects
- Report any issues on individual objects:
- If the issue is related to bulk data, then it may be more efficient to contact the DR team rather than listing them all here
- The DR team will address the issues on the individual galaxies once the issues affecting the bulk data are resolved
- Feel free to send an email to Sree and Madusha to bring this to attention