Title | Leader | Status |
The Hector Survey: trial | Stefania Barsanti | under review by Science Committee |
Hector Galaxy Survey and Instrument overview | Julia Bryant | under review by Science Committee |
AGNs in Dwarf Galaxies Revealed by Hector Galaxy Survey | Kyuseok Oh | under review by Science Committee |
Demonstrating Hector’s power for obtaining accurate stellar kinematic measurements | Jesse van de Sande | under review by Science Committee |
The Kinematic Properties of Milky Way Analogue | Jesse van de Sande | under review by Science Committee |
Disentangling the Formation Mechanisms of Blue-cored Dwarf Galaxies | Jiwon Chung | under review by Science Committee |
Kinematic Alignments of Early-type Galaxies in Cluster Environments | Hyunjin Jeong | under review by Science Committee |
Mass scaling relations of low-mass galaxies | Sree Oh | under review by Science Committee |
Galaxy spin-filament alignments in the cluster outskirts | Stefania Barsanti | under review by Science Committee |
Centre-Outskirt Kinematic Misalignment of Each Galaxy Depending on Environments | Joon Hyeop Lee | under review by Science Committee |
The link between dwarf galaxy angular momentum and morphology | Sarah Sweet | under review by Science Committee |
Beyond radial metallicity gradients | Sarah Sweet | under review by Science Committee |
Spatially-resolved electron temperature metallicities | Sarah Sweet | under review by Science Committee |
Identification of ram-pressure-affected galaxies | Oguzhan Cakir | under review by Science Committee |
The HECTOR Galaxy Survey: Exploring the Role of Environment in the Quenching of Transition Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters | Mina Pak | under review by Science Committee |
The HECTOR Galaxy Survey: Stellar populations of transition galaxies in different environments | Mina Pak | under review by Science Committee |
Disentangling the effects of ram pressure on cluster galaxies using multi-component Gaussian fitting. | Gabriella Quattropani | under review by Science Committee |
The spatial distribution of the galactic morphology and the kinematical types within the cluster environment | Minje Beom | under review by Science Committee |
Origin of gas in Hector galaxies | Julia Bryant | under review by Science Committee |
Morphology in motion: linking angular momentum to galactic structure | Pratyush Kumar Das | under review by Science Committee |
A simultaneous study of the resolved and global low- and high-mass ends of the IMF in Hector star-forming galaxies | Diego Ignacio Salvador Campe | under review by Science Committee |
Hector data verification paper | Sree Oh | |
What causes asymmetries in galaxies? | Joss Bland-Hawthorn | under review by Science Committee |
Stellar Population Gradients of Galaxies Across Mass and Environment | Joon Hyeop Lee | under review by Science Committee |
Star formation rate and dust attenuation of nearby galaxies | Jong Chul Lee | under review by Science Committee |